Tutor Qualifications and Publications

Earle Abrahamson

Qualifications (Academic and Professional)

  • 2008       University Teaching Fellow
  • 2006       Vocational Trust Assessor and Verifier Award
  • 2005       Oxford and Cambridge Assessor (A1) and Verifier Awards (V1)
  • 1996        Master of Arts in Sports Educational Psychology (2:1) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 1995        Neuromuscular technique, MET, PR, and soft tissue therapy Diploma – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 1995        BA Honours in Clinical Psychology (1) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 1993        B.Phys.Ed with Merit (1) – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 1992        Sports Massage Diploma – University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Other Training and Development

  • 2001-2012 – Every 3 years (Emergency First Aid Qualification)
  • 2012 – MTI Diploma (Level 4) massage therapy – accredited massage tutor for adult learning
  • 2005-2012 – Edexcel quality assurance, external verification, moderation and standardisation training (face to face and on-line centra training)
  • 2012 – Collaborative writing project – International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL)

Membership of Professional Boards and Societies

  • Member of the ISSOTL Student Engagement Interest Group – (2008- present)
  • Chair of the ISSOTL Multinational Teaching Fellows Interest Group – (2009- present)
  • Member of the ISSOTL PBL Interest Group – (2008- present)
  • Editorial Board – International Journal of Problem Based Learning
  • Editorial Board – Teaching and Learning Inquiry
  • External Examiner and Verifier for Edexcel NQF qualifications level 1-3 (2005-2012)
  • External Reviewer for Edexcel qualifications NQF qualifications level 1-3 (2005-2012)
  • Centre Quality Reviewer – Edexcel (Pearson Education) 2010 – present
  • Qualification developer – Edexcel/Pearson – 2012-present
  • External Examiner – Sports Therapy – Leeds Metropolitan University (appointed June 2012)
  • Elected member for professional standards for massage – Complementary and Natural Health Council – March 2013
  • MTI representative to the CNHC and GMCT
  • Elected Chair of the Massage Training Institute from April 2014


  • ­Troublesome Thresholds:  SoTL Practitioners’ Identity Conflicts and Configurations Nicola Simmons, Earle Abrahamson, Jessica M. Deshler, Barbara Kensington-Miller, Karen Manarin, Sue Morón-García, Carolyn Oliver, Joanna Renc-Roe

 ACCEPTED  to Teaching and Learning Enquiry January 2013

  • Abrahamson, ED, Egan, K., and West, L. (2012). Towards a conceptual model of clinical reasoning development in an undergraduate sports rehabilitation curriculum. SportEx Medicine Journal, 51: 16-21.
  • Abrahamson, ED and Barter, P (2011). Using a Student Mentorship Scheme to Develop and Raise Academic Attainment. Middlesex Journal of Educational Technology, 1, (1), 21-29.
  • Abrahamson, ED (2010). Formative assessment using video feedback. Higher Education Academy
  • Abrahamson, E. D. (2009).  Assessment and feedback in Higher Education, Link Journal, HEA  Link 24.
  • Abrahamson E.D. (2009). Using problem based learning in teaching sport in HE- Barriers and benefits Journal of Health, Social and Environmental Issues – Middlesex University 10 (1), 33- 39.
  • Kulesa, L. & Abrahamson, E.D. (2009). The use of whole body vibration platform to enhance muscle flexibility. A review of the literature. Journal of Health, Social and Environmental Issues – Middlesex University 10(1), 25-32.
  • Abrahamson E.D. (2009). Using PBL to develop autonomy in student thinking and clinical reasoning ability on the Middlesex University sports rehabilitation degree. Higher Education Academy – LINK journal. Link Newsletter published by HEA 23, 10-11


  • Abrahamson E.D. (2009). Muscle Case Study. Higher Education Academy
  • Abrahamson E.D. (2009). Placement Case Study. Higher Education Academy
  • McGregor, H and Abrahamson, ED (2000). The psychological effects of precompetitive stress on elite divers – A review. South African Journal of Psychology, 30 (3), 38-44.
  • Abrahamson, ED (1999). Psychological Burnout in Sport: A comparative analysis between South African Gymnasts and Tennis Players. Africa Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 5 (2), 140-149.  http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/hlst/resources/casestudies

Books/Chapters in books

  • Hancock, J, Phillippo, P, Adams, M, Harris, B, and Abrahamson ED (2011).BTEC level 2 First Sport Assessment Resource Park. Pearsons Education.
  • Comfort P and Abrahamson E.D (Editors). Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention – Wiley and Son, publishers (May 2010).
  • Abrahamson E and Herrington, L. Clinical Reasoning chapter. In Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention – Wiley and Son, publishers (May, 2010).
  • Abrahamson E, Hyland, V, Hicks, S, Koukoullis, C. Progressive Functional Rehabilitation chapter. In Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention – Wiley and Son, publishers (May 2010).
  • Cohen, R., Nordin, S; Abrahamson; E. Sport Psychology Chapter. In Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention – Wiley and Son, publishers (May, 2010)
  • Abrahamson E.D. South Africa Chapter. In The World Sport Psychology Source Book, 3rd Edition, Edited by, Lidor, R; Morris, T; Bardaxoglou, N; and Becker, B (2001). Fitness Information Technology, USA.
  • Abrahamson E.D.  Africa Chapter. In The World Sport Psychology Source Book, 3rd Edition, Edited by, Lidor, R; Morris, T; Bardaxoglou, N; and Becker, B (2001). Fitness Information Technology, USA.


  • Papers and Panels
  • Troublesome Thresholds:  SoTL Practitioners’ Identity Conflicts and Configurations Nicola Simmons, Earle Abrahamson, Jessica M. Deshler, Barbara Kensington-Miller, Karen Manarin, Sue Morón-García, Carolyn Oliver, Joanna Renc-Roe  – ISSOTL conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA October 2013.
  • Abrahamson, E.D.  Delivering feedback for adaptive learning – ISSOTL conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, October 2012.
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Towards a conceptual model of clinical reasoning (CR) development in an undergraduate sports rehabilitation curriculum – translating practice into theory, ISSOTL conference – Milwaukee, October 2011
  • Abrahamson, E.D., Salter, D., Ahmad, A., Cox, M., Smigiel, H., Tierney, A., Finnigan, T., Higgs, B. Multi-National perspectives on teaching awards – Panel Discussion, ISSOTL conference – Milwaukee, October 2011
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Is PBL effective in the promotion of clinical reasoning development in undergraduate sports rehabilitation students.  ISSOTL, October 2010
  • Abrahamson, E.D., Rust, C., Firth, M. Using the LAAER model to assess standards of degree classification in higher education.  ISSOTL, October 2010
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Using PBL to promote clinical reasoning development in undergraduate sports rehabilitation students.  London SOTL, 13 May 2010
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Is PBL and effective teaching approach in the development of clinical reasoning skills.  Higher Education Conference, Brighton (2009)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Using Assessment and feedback to direct the student learning experience.  Higher Education Conference, Oxford (2009)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. The case of MUSCLE – Middlesex University Sport Student Learning Experience. ISSOTL Conference, Bloomington, Indiana (2009)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. The case of MUSCLE – Middlesex University Sport Student Learning Experience. Mini Sports Conference, London (2009)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Barriers and Benefits of PBL.  Higher Education special interest group on PBL meeting, UCLAN (2009)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. problem based learning, barriers and benefits. Mini Sports Conference, London (2008)
  • Frame, P. & and Abrahamson, E.D. Why do you call me sir? ISSOTL Conference, Alberta, Canada (2008)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. The effect of feedback on feedforward.  Annual teaching and learning conference, Middlesex University, London (2008)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Sport Psychology and important component of the sporting puzzle. Commonwealth Games Conference, Manchester (2003)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Towards an ecosystemic understanding of sports performance and injury. South African Sports Medicine Conference, Johanneburg (2001)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. and Kaplan, R.  Developing ecosytemic theory to understand injury pathology and management. International Society of Sport Psychology Conference, Skiathos, Greece (2001)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Towards a conceptual model of performance enhancement. All Africa Games Scientific Conference, Johannesburg (1999)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Ecosytemic model of injury management.  World Conference on Mental Training in Sport, Salt Lake City, Utah (1999)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Psychological burnout in sport, the cost of competing.  South African Sports Medicine Conference, Sun City, South Africa (1999)
  • Abrahamson, E.D. Psychological burnout in sport a comparative analysis between South African gymnasts and tennis players.  International Society for Sport Psychology Conference, Israel (1997)



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